Common conditions
Acupuncture is widely considered to be beneficial for a range of conditions, some of which are listed below. In all cases, the focus is on treating the individual and the historic progression of your symptoms. It can be used in conjunction with western medicine.
If you want to discuss your specific situation, please call for a free no-obligation chat.
If you want to discuss your specific situation, please call for a free no-obligation chat.
Including hay fever, sinusitis, asthma, breathlessness
Acupuncture can be helpful in alleviating pain in both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis and reducing inflammation, regardless of the patient’s age or how long they have been suffering.
[read further at: "Osteoarthritis - research fact sheet" and "Rheumatoid arthritis - research fact sheet"]
Including IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn
Including depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, lack of motivation
Acupuncture has a long and successful history in reproductive medicine. It can be used to help boost female and male fertility, prepare the body for conception and pregnancy and to treat underlying conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and irregular cycles. The focus at all times is on treating the individual.
30% of infertility cases are due to issues with sperm quality alone, yet in many cases sperm health can be improved in a relatively short space of time.
At West Hove Acupuncture, we can take time to explain your test results, advise on diet, lifestyle, further testing and help support you and your partner on your fertility journey with expert knowledge and care.
NHS funded research by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) shows that acupuncture is one of the safest and most cost-effective treatments for chronic low back pain. Other conditions such as arthritic pain, knee pain, hip pain and muscle injuries also respond very well.
Including morning sickness, nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome, pregnancy-induced hypertension, oedema, lower back pain, pain of the symphysis pubis (SPD), pre-birth treatments to help relax and soften the ligaments, treatment to correct a foetal breech position, effective labour induction treatments. Recommended by midwives.
Headaches are reportedly "...the 6th most common condition presenting to acupuncturists... A long term study of 115 patients...found 77% responded to treatment, with a 81% reported reduction in pain levels over 2 years and a 55% reduction in frequency and duration of episodes at 10 months post treatment..."
[read further at: "Headaches - research fact sheet"]
Including difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking during the night, night sweats, dream disturbed sleep, fatigue and lethargy, ME (myalgic encephelomyelitis), generally "feeling out of sorts"
The symptoms of stroke and its sequelae respond well to acupuncture. It is used in the treatment of limb paralysis, “…walking, balance, activities of daily living, quality of life, mobility and emotional state.” [read further at: "Stroke - research fact sheet”]
Treatment is recommended in the early stages of the sequelae at weekly intervals and should be continued over a period of months. “The benefits [are] long lasting, showing continuing significant improvement twelve months later.”
All too frequently, women accept that their menstrual cycle includes other symptoms such as mood swings, severe cramping pains, heavy bleeding, accompanying migraines, irregular cycle. Acupuncture has long been used to alleviate these accompanying symptoms.
In addition, treatment can benefit the symptoms of endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and the menopause.
[read further at the following fact sheets "Menopausal symptoms", "Premenstrual syndrome", "Endometriosis")
...and many other conditions. If you are unsure and want to discuss your condition, please call Sandry for a free no-obligation chat: 07748 751 344.